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Ep. 3 Earth Day in Accounting & HR

Season #1

On Earth Day, it is a time to remember the environment in our busy lives.  A day that reminds us to continue to do the little things that help our environment:  turning the lights off, plant trees and recycle, reduce, and reuse. 

Earth Day may not sound like it has anything to do with HR; however, when recruiting and retaining Gen Z and Millennials, they will want to know how their employer stands on important climate change issues and how their employer is protecting our environment!  How is your company making a world a better place?! 

REMINDER:  Administrative Professionals Day is on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.  Remember, when you take care of your employees, they will take care of you and your ROI!  

Karen Shepherd, MSHR, SHRM-CP is the Owner of HR by Karen, LLC in Naples, FL, as well as President of HR Collier.  If you are seeking tailored HR Solutions based on your company’s strategic goals and objectives, Karen offers a unique quality experience by providing expert onsite, remote and interim Human Resources Services with compassion, empathy and heart, including, but not limited to, Recruitment, Employment Handbooks, Training and Presentations.  You may contact Karen at 239-776-5919 or [email protected] or learn more on her website at

Yaussy Casmartino is the Owner of Sourcelyn, LLC in Estero, FL.  Sourcelyn provides small business owners with remote bookkeeping, payroll, and HR services, which will allow you to save time, money, and energy while getting efficient financial and human resource management.  You may contact Yaussy at 786-250-1522 or [email protected] or learn more on her website at


Join Karen and Yaussy next week as they honor all Heroes. 


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